Metakinetical Relativity
We find ourselves in a continual exchange of information, and this communication transpires through many channels. "Body language" represents one channel indicating another; the verbal indicates a communication that is actually physical. From anecdotes to attitudes, information is ferried about by infinite different vessels in a commerce that is inexhaustible. Words, gestures, art, poetry, music, numbers—the inventory of surpasses apprehension.
Crucially, in this interminable exchange, such information is both communicated and communicable. This is to say that we recognize some of the commerce while other interactions transpire unbeknownst.
As Rolfers™, we strive to appreciate the depth of this inter-relation. As my wonderful teacher Monica Caspari counsels:
One must [oneself] become an appropriate body schema that communicates wordlessly—but empathetically—with the body schema of the client. The client will then unconsciously entrain with the practitioner and mirror that practitioner’s movement or tonic state. In this manner, the client induces the desired function in the client. Godard calls this phenomenon ‘metakinesis’”(Caspari 6).
These are kineses that expand beyond the body. We are all intimately strung together—modern physics corroborates this relativity with its iterations of String Theory. To use physicist James Gates' metaphor, imagining these bands of connectivity as strings on a Stradivari violin—let us take steps to resonate in melody!
Take someone who slouches & stands crookèd with a scowl on her face. She might not recognize it, but she's continually broadcasting an attitude of disease, discontent, and lack of vigor. And all of us around her can't help but pick it up. Naturally, it's no one's decision how another person lives her life. But we do enjoy autonomy over our own actions (at least we flatter ourselves to think so). I feel for this reason that it is incumbent on every individual to take care that his note be concordant. Then, the crescendo of our collective symphony washes over the said sloucher like an ocean wave that rectifies the sand in which some thoughtful fellow had written the f-word, for example.
How does this relate to Rolfing® SI? Cause when we feel good in our bodies, our string rings pure. Call the Traveling Rolfer for your own sake and the sake of our orchestra!
Metakinetical Relativity:
"Body language" represents one channel indicating another.