Fables from the Fishmonger's Apprentice
One of my responsibilities as a Rolfer™ is to empower my clients to take responsibility for their own health & well-being. Proverbially, to lavish a fellow with fishes does him disservice; my interest is not in fostering dependence. I strive to teach self-sufficiency. As a fishmonger might instruct another in the art of net-weaving & chasing sardines on the open sea, I strive to provide my clients with specific & ambiguous means to their own embodiment & flourishing. I can't take credit for this idea, obviously...
“Worst of all is a leader who is despisedThe second-worst is one who is fearedNext is one who is loved and praisedThe best leader is one whose existence is barely known.If you fail to trust people, they won’t trust themselves.Therefore, guide others by quietly relying on Tao.Then, when the work is done, the people can say, “We did this ourselves.””
Over the following weeks, I intend to compile a series of posts on this topic—of learning to catch herring, as it were.