Balance: An Epilogue—What Does Nietzsche Think About Balance?
Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Balance: An Epilogue—What Does Nietzsche Think About Balance?

Our lives represent a dynamic interplay of Order & Entropy. These competing impulses intersect to form a vital crux: the heart of the human condition. Good old Friedrich Nietzsche memorably personified these two forces in the form of the Aegean deities Apollo & Dionysus—a dichotomy that first appeared in his famous work, The Birth of Tragedy.

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Balance II: A Practical Approach
Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Balance II: A Practical Approach

Balance, that elusive condition! We struggle to achieve it. And when, for a fleeting instant, we manage it, just so, it vanishes even as its promise is in the making & we must begin our search anew. Mechanically, it is no surprise that balance often eludes us. As bipedists, our forfeiture of extra feet inevitably renders our locomotion precarious. If gravity had its way, we would topple over indeed.

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Balance Part I: Pre-ramble & "equilibrio ergo sum"
Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Balance Part I: Pre-ramble & "equilibrio ergo sum"

Conventional Western healthcare is fragmentary; it is not whole. Rather, it suffers from innumerable holes wrought with the selfsame reductionism & mechanistic philosophy that permeates all avenues of our policy & thought—only such a tradition could claim with a straight face that Love is merely a sequence of chemical reactions in the brain involving dopamine & oxytocin & evolved for the sole purpose of furthering the species.

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