Ye Five Elements Vertical

Ye Five Elements Vertical

In this post's antecedent, I presented an elemental pentad as another paradigm of integration. In this model I employed the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, & Ether as symbols for various qualities of the human being & human experience. One might imagine such model to represent a horizontal dimension to this vital interplay. In such a conception, our task was to ensure a balanced proportion & inter-relation between all the several elements.

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Ye Three Kingdoms of Integration

Ye Three Kingdoms of Integration

This is not an altogether uncommon complaint from a client striding through the door at The Way of the Elbow headquarters. My response is typically to do everything I reasonably can to alleviate his or her discomfort. Often a substantial aspect of this Structural (re)Integration will be to placate bellicose connective tissue by means of a gentle elbow, or two. Rolfing® SI, even in caricature, often really works: to (judiciously) apply this sort of pressure is a capital form of communication,* in the right circumstances. But there are other subtler channels for the exchange of information besides.

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Somatic Myth-Making & Its Discontents
The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Somatic Myth-Making & Its Discontents

Story-telling is fun; weaving a retrospective narrative about one's journey to the present allows us to envelop our experience within the cradle of meaning. Such context is comforting, even if the pillows that line this contextual cradle are not real pillows but conceptual ones, wrought of no sterner stuff than stipulation.

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Plaster-Ceilings Seen Through the Looking-Glass: What's Wrought of Words Where the Elbow Fails
The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Plaster-Ceilings Seen Through the Looking-Glass: What's Wrought of Words Where the Elbow Fails

Like all generalizations, this claim is such an impoverished approximation as comparing my modest skill to that of Michelangelo. Happily for everyone, each of my clients is, from the outset, gifted by Nature with such an extraordinary design that it far outshines the bare Sistine Chapel ceiling—otherwise, mine would be a pitiful enterprise indeed.

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Differentia of Rolfing: Magic Snorkels & Registered Trademarks

Differentia of Rolfing: Magic Snorkels & Registered Trademarks

I try to come up with a different answer every time someone asks me this. But I'm a conservationist as well as a conversationalist, so occasionally, this latter impulse gets the better of me & I find myself recycling responses. One obvious difference between these two modalities is that Rolfing® SI gets to flaunt the little "®" ornament under the protection of legal mercenaries & the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, both parties who receive remuneration by our annual membership dues.

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Chauvenism versus "The Tyger"
The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Chauvenism versus "The Tyger"

Calvinism, Catholicism, antidisestablishmentarianism, & a mickle more -isms of this ilk: they all inform our experience. These belief systems are stencils through which we trace a pre-determined reality; when I wear red glasses, even avocadoes look red. Interacting through such belief systems, we see only what we already know. This modus operandi is useful for its expedience.

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Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Deliciousness

Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Deliciousness

This is the counsel of Monica Caspari, whom I have the privilege of having called my instructor for four months during my Movement & Unit III training in São Paulo, Brazil. In her foundational article "The Functional Rationale of the Recipe," published in Rolf Lines in 2005, she declares that "deliciousness, joy, and happiness are more important than perfection" (5) for our clients.

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Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Autonomy

Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Autonomy

Autonomy is a wonderfully appealing concept. Who wants King George dictating whence we import our Breakfast Tea? In the context of Rolfing® Structural Integration, autonomy is not too shabby an objective either. By this, I mean to suggest that we seek a condition in which each part of our being contributes to the whole according to its design—not more, not less.

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Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Situs

Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Situs

That means "place," I think, in Latin. Or "site.

"In a way, the process of Rolfing® SI is a journey to the situs of this very moment, present time, present space. The road hither can be long & winding since countless factors—from unhappy childhood experiences to acute injuries to traumatic encounters with great cats to apprehensions about one's financial prospects—conspire to alienate us from our experience.

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Waypoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Possibility

Waypoints of the Yellow Brick Road: Possibility

Whenever we come upon an intersection along this circular journey, we have a choice: do we go left or right? Always go with your guts. But if this profound voice of wisdom perchance remains silent in this crucial moment, I feel it was a useful exercise to frame the decision according to a question: Does turning left increase or decrease my possibilities?

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Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road

Endpoints of the Yellow Brick Road

It often strikes me as I am explaining the process of Rolfing® Structural Integration that each of the said explanations is different. Though the goal might be the same, it seems that there are innumerable ways to describe it. Like many different fingers pointing at a single moon, there is an ineffable confluence at which all these descriptions meet.

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Balance: An Epilogue—What Does Nietzsche Think About Balance?
Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Balance: An Epilogue—What Does Nietzsche Think About Balance?

Our lives represent a dynamic interplay of Order & Entropy. These competing impulses intersect to form a vital crux: the heart of the human condition. Good old Friedrich Nietzsche memorably personified these two forces in the form of the Aegean deities Apollo & Dionysus—a dichotomy that first appeared in his famous work, The Birth of Tragedy.

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Balance II: A Practical Approach
Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Balance II: A Practical Approach

Balance, that elusive condition! We struggle to achieve it. And when, for a fleeting instant, we manage it, just so, it vanishes even as its promise is in the making & we must begin our search anew. Mechanically, it is no surprise that balance often eludes us. As bipedists, our forfeiture of extra feet inevitably renders our locomotion precarious. If gravity had its way, we would topple over indeed.

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