Balance Part I: Pre-ramble & "equilibrio ergo sum"
Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf Balance, The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Balance Part I: Pre-ramble & "equilibrio ergo sum"

Conventional Western healthcare is fragmentary; it is not whole. Rather, it suffers from innumerable holes wrought with the selfsame reductionism & mechanistic philosophy that permeates all avenues of our policy & thought—only such a tradition could claim with a straight face that Love is merely a sequence of chemical reactions in the brain involving dopamine & oxytocin & evolved for the sole purpose of furthering the species.

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The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf


It's understood among ancient circles of alchemy & magick that words possess a supernatural power. The Brothers Grimm pointed to this principle in their fairy-tales—if Rumpelstilzschen has a moral, it must be this: that to name a thing is master it.

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Integration III: Intra-Subjective Equilibrium

Integration III: Intra-Subjective Equilibrium

Through the process of Rolfing® Structural Integration, we invariably arrive at a more refined awareness of our bodies. We furthermore begin then to take notice of factors & conditions that influence their state. Our bodies do not operate in a vacuum but rather function in an unimaginable interplay of information continually exchanged between myriad interdependent systems.

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Integration II: Relationship to the Environment

Integration II: Relationship to the Environment

In the first post of this series, I introduced an aspect of integration that I described as "internal congruence." We might also designate this condition as intra-structural integration. In this second post, we will hear the next blind man's testimony about the elephant of integration: I will offer another interpretation of the fruitful & enigmatic term, describing an integration that is inter-structural. This is to say that it is not within but rather between subjects.

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Integration I: Internal Congruence

Integration I: Internal Congruence

"Structural Integration promises structural integration in ten sessions!"

"Wait—what does that even mean?"

Through the course of the following four posts, I mean to broadly delineate several distinct yet interrelated understandings of the concept of integration. First, I think it is fitting to note that when circumstances required that she coin a name for her method, Ida Rolf settled on the title of "Structural Integration."

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Posture & Morality: Part I

Posture & Morality: Part I

"The seventh circle of Hell is reserved for those who...slouch?"

It is so natural to moralize about posture that we often do it without even noticing. We often apply such terms as "bad," "good," or "lousy" to our alignment & physiognomy without even pausing to consider the moral judgment implicit in such labels. I believe it is useful to recognize this tendency and to appreciate that posture in itself is neither good nor evil, rather "

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Metakinetical Relativity
The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

Metakinetical Relativity

We find ourselves in a continual exchange of information, and this communication transpires through many channels. "Body language" represents one channel indicating another; the verbal indicates a communication that is actually physical. From anecdotes to attitudes, information is ferried about by infinite different vessels in a commerce that is inexhaustible. Words, gestures, art, poetry, music, numbers—the inventory of surpasses apprehension.

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Rolfing® SI: A Brief Catechism III

Rolfing® SI: A Brief Catechism III

"What's the point?"*

Rolfing® SI allows us to live more skillfully in our bodies. To live is, most basically, to sustain a relationship with the world for approximately four years & ten. The finer this relationship, the easier our lives become. Rolfing® SI provides a path to this end—towards more natural integration of the body with its environment.

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The Birth of Effort & the Arising of Ease
The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf The Way of the Elbow Max Leyf

The Birth of Effort & the Arising of Ease

I entertained this slogan in The Way of the Elbow business salad days. "Movement should be easy" because the body is designed to move. Activity ought not to feel like a burden because it is what is natural. Very few things are more steadfast than the hills, but how much effort do they exert in their stern majesty? And yet many of us expend much greater effort to much lesser effect.

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Standing Under Pain: II, a segunda parte

Standing Under Pain: II, a segunda parte

After we appreciate that pain is fundamentally a message from the body (often including very pertinent contents!) to the conscious mind, we can move on to recognizing another essential aspect of pain: that it is at least as metaphysically nebulous as the term "metaphysically nebulous" itself. What I mean with this unnecessarily ambiguous description is that pain as such can not be measured

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